UV-reactie => glans/coating => gomkleur: Niet-Fosforescerend - hoogglanzend blauwe gom => Novarode N1 grijs -witte gom => Novarode N2 witte gom => Novarode N3 - glanzend arab. gom => Intermills [inert, gelig] I => B2 IIIb => B4 [inert, rood] III => B12 [vuilwit] I => B8 III => B10 witte gom => Slater IIIa => S4??? IIIq => S5 IIIp => S6??? - mat arab. gom => Intermills [inert, gelig] I => B1 IIIb => B3 IIId => B5 [vuilwit] I => B7 III => B9 groene gom => Harrison and Sons IIIa => H1 IIIb => H2 IIIq => H3 IIIp => H4w en H4d III-80 => H5 witte gom => Slater IIIa => S1 IIIq => S2 IIIp => S3 => Coated Paper Ltd IIIp => C3g en C3f
Fosforescerend - geel - glanzend => Intermills BF2 - mat - gecoat => Inverpak IF1 - ongecoat => Intermills BF1 - (!B)wit(!b) - glanzend witte gom => Slater IIIa => SF4 IIIq => SF5 IIIp => SF6 gele gom => Slater IIIq => SF10 IIIp => SF11 'III-80 => SF12 - mat groene gom => Harrison and Sons IIIa => HF1 IIIb => HF2 IIIq => HF3 IIIp => HF4 III-80 => HF5 witte gom => Slater IIIa => SF1 IIIq => SF2a IIIp => SF3 gele gom => Slater 'IIIp => SF2b IIIq => SF7 IIIp => SF8 'III-80 => SF9 => Coated Paper Ltd IIIp => CF1 Fluorescerend - geel - mat groene gom => Harrison and Sons IIIp => HFL4
UV-reactie => glans/coating => doorzicht:
Fosforescerend - geel - glanzend => Intermills BF2 - mat - coating => Inverpak IF1 - ongecoat => Intermills BF1 - (!B)wit(!b) - glanzend IIIa witte gom => Slater SF4 IIIq witte gom => Slater SF5 gele gom => Slater SF10 IIIp witte gom => Slater SF6 gele gom => Slater SF11 'III-80 gele gom => Slater SF12 - mat IIIa groene gom => Harrison HF1 witte gom => Slater SF1 IIIb groene gom => Harrison HF2 IIIq groene gom => Harrison HF3 witte gom => Slater SF2a gele gom => Slater SF7 'IIIp gele gom => Slater SF2b IIIp groene gom => Harrison HF4 witte gom => Slater SF3 gele gom => Slater SF8 => CPL CF1 'III-80 gele gom => Slater SF9 III-80 groene gom => Harrison HF5