Photogravure appears in the late 1940-ies for Polish stamps. First the stamps printed in Russia by the Moscow Stateprinters GOZNAK and lateron by the Drukarnia Narodowa in Kraków. A single-colour sheet-fed press was in 1950 taken from the DN [previously Akropol Printing House] in Kraków to the PWPN inWarszawa. All paper used in the first 10 years seems to be uncoated. About 1959 stamp paper with a watermark appears and stays till 1963. In the same period - 1960 - we see the introduction of coated paper. There is no combination of coated paper and watermark. A third factor coming up in the same period is the use of optical brightening agents. Let's make a table of all options:
1969.10.20 ILO coated (?) and OBA, 1972.09.28 Kopernik uncoated? |
Since I have most of the stamps issued after 1988 because of a subscription I could examine the stamps of that period. After 1969 all stamps printed in photogravure were on coated paper - apart maybe for one or two short periods? A frequent phrase in the Handbook is the mentioning of 'papier o nierównym przeźroczu tworzącym regularny wzór siatki' ('paper that shows a regular mesh pattern with looked through'). That is - keep the stamp in such manner that you watch the reverse of the stamp and hold it against a good lamp... Although not mentioned in the Handbook - you should be prepared to discern 3 types at least in 2 periods:
In that second period, most stamps - photogravure, recess/intaglio or offset-litho will show that pattern although at times you may feel it is very well visible, at times you may not see any pattern at all. I will give examples of the well-visble, known stamps I have seen. |
Photogravure coated / Rasterdiepdruk gecoat / Rotograwiura z papierem powlekanym
De gelegenheidszegels in rasterdiepdruk in die periode hadden eveneens arabisch gom tot in januari 1992 en witte synthetische gom vanaf die tijd [op de maand augustus 1992 na!]. De UV-reactie van het papier met arab. gom is verschillend aan de achterkant van 'dof' tot 'wit'. De voorzijde is steeds 'wit'. Bij het papier met synthetische gom is de UV-reactie aan beide kanten 'wit'. |
Eind 1996 met de Dag van de Postzegel verscheen ook het papier zonder witmakers [c.] dat in 1997 nog gebruikt zou worden voor de blokken 200 jaar Mazurek. De andere gelegenheidszegels in rasterdiepdruk in 1997 hadden geel fluorescent papier [g.]. De zegels in plaatdruk [vaak gecombineerd met rasterdiepdruk] volgden qua papier de lijn van de rasterdiepdruk. De in 1997 uitgegeven plaatdrukzegels hadden echter geen fluorescentie! |
Plaatdruk en rasterdiepdruk papier doorzicht I (+90), I (+150), I (+135)
* niet in K-S/F |