StartEire 2002 Vogels - Birds - Euro - fosforescent - phosphorescentEire 2002 Vogels - Birds - Euro - boekjes natklevend - booklets adhesive -fosforescent - phosphorescentEire 2004 Wilde Bloemen - Wild Flowers

Eire 2002 Vogels - Birds - Euro - rollen/boekjes - coils /booklets - fosforescent - phosphorescent

uitgiftedatum - date of issue waarde - value omschrijving - description afbeelding - image tanding - perforation raster - screen papierrichting - direction of paper
Zelfklevers - self-adhesive - Rol in doos van 100 - Coil in box of 100 Offset-litho Ausprint
Blackbird met "tail indent" ; Goldcrest met "beak indent"
Kiss die cut: 11 1/4:11 1/2
4 types:
type 1 - rounded off corners
type 2 - half-rounded off corners
type 3 - half-sharp corners
type 4 - sharp corners
Phosphorescent frame in 4 types:
15 °
60 °
75 °
40 °
01.01.2002 38c common black bird Kiss 11:11 1/4 R125
01.01.2002 38c Goldcrest Kiss 11:11 1/4 R125
02.04.2002 Tariefswijziging: 25g POP van 38 naar 41; 25-50 POP van 44 naar 41; 50g (non POP) 44 naar 47; 100 van 57c naar 60c; 250 van 89c naar 92c
Zelfklevers - self-adhesive - Rol in doos van 100 - Coil in box of 100 Offset-litho Ausprint
Chaffinch "complete" ; Goldcrest met "beak indent"
Kiss die cut: 11 1/4:11 1/2
4 types:
type 1 - rounded off corners
type 2 - half-rounded off corners
type 3 - half-sharp corners
type 4 - sharp corners
Phosphorescent frame in 4 types:
15 °
60 °
75 °
40 °
02.04.2002 41c Common chaffinch Kiss 11:11 1/4 R125
02.04.2002 41c Goldcrest Kiss 11:11 1/4 R125
Zelfklevers - self-adhesive - Boekje met 5 zegels van 41 Chaffinch plus 5 zegels van 41 Goldcrest; 10x 44c European robin; 10x 57c Song thrush Offset-litho Ausprint
Chaffinch met "tail indent" cq "small indent"; Goldcrest met "beak indent" cq "small indent"
Robin met "large indent"; Song thrush met "Tail indent", "Beak indent", "Large indent", "Small indent".
02.04.2002 41c Common chaffinch Kiss 11:11 1/4 R125
02.04.2002 41c Goldcrest Kiss 11:11 1/4 R125
02.o4.2002 44c European robin Kiss 11:11 1/4 R125
02.04.2002 57c Song thrush Kiss 11:11 1/4 R125
17.10.2002 41c common chaffinch Kiss 11:11 1/4 R125
17.10.2002 41c goldcrest Kiss 11:11 1/4 R125
Tariefswijziging per 03.01.2003 - GB van xx naar 50c -Overseas van xx naar 57 c
Booklet self-adhesive 10x50c Atlantic puffin SNP SPrint 11:11 1/4
Frame "complete"
Zelfklevers - self-adhesive - Rol in doos van 100 - Coil in box of 100 Offset-litho JESSP
Chaffinch "complete" ; Goldcrest "complete"
03.01.2003 50c Atlantic puffin Kiss 11:11 1/4 R125
Tarief 30.08.2003: Inland van 41c naar 48c:
Zelfklevers - self-adhesive - Rol in doos van 100 - Coil in box of 100 Offset-litho SNP
Wagtail - GlasÚg shr-ide
Phosphor frame complete
Kiss die cut: 11 1/4:11 1/2
4 types:
type 1 - rounded off corners
type 2 - half-rounded off corners
type 3 - half-sharp corners
type 4 - sharp corners
Phosphorescent frame in 4 types:
15 °
60 °
75 °
40 °
Zelfklevers - self-adhesive - Rol in doos van 100 - Coil in box of 100 Offset-litho SNP; kiss die cut: 11 1/4:11 1/2
Wagtail - GlasÚg shr-ide
Phosphor frame complete
25.08.2003 N White wagtail Kiss 11:11 1/4 stochastic
25.08.2003 N Peregrine falcon Kiss 11:11 1/4 ! stochastic
type 1 - rounded off corners; 60 °
type 2 - half-rounded off corners; 60 °
type 3- half-sharp corners; 60 °
Booklet self-adhesive 5xN White wagtail plus 5xN Peregrine falcon SNP SPrint ; kiss-die-cut 11:11 1/4; ()
Wagtail - GlasÚg shr-ide
Phosphor frame with small indent
25.08.2003 N White wagtail Kiss 11:11 1/4 R125
25.08.2003 N Peregrine falcon Kiss 11:11 1/4 R125
type 1 - rounded off corners; 15 °
Zelfklevers - self-adhesive - Rol in doos van 100 - Coil in box of 100 Photogravure JESSP
correcte naam - correct name : Wagtail - Glasóg shráide
Papier TR, fairly thick
Phosphor frame complete
12.05.2004 48c White wagtail Kiss 11:11 1/4 EME
12.05.2004 48c Peregrine falcon Kiss 11:11 1/4 EME
type 3 - half-sharp corners; 45 °
Zelfklevers - self-adhesive - Rol in doos van 100 - Coil in box of 100 Offset-litho SNP
Wagtail - GlasÚg shr-ide
Phosphor frame complete
30..09.2003 48c White wagtail Kiss 11:11 1/4 stochastic
30.09.2003 48c Peregrine falcon Kiss 11:11 1/4 stochastic
type 1 - rounded off corners; 60 °
type 2 - half-rounded off corners; 60 °
Zelfklevers - self-adhesive - Rol in doos van 100 - Coil in box of 100 Offset-litho SNP
!B) correcte naam - correct name : Wagtail - Glasóg shráide
Phosphor frame complete
12..05.2004 48c White wagtail Kiss 11:11 1/4 stochastic
12.05.2004 48c Peregrine falcon Kiss 11:11 1/4 stochastic
type 1 - rounded off corners; 60 °
type 2 - half-rounded off corners; 75 °
type 3- half-sharp corners; 60 °
Booklet self-adhesive 5x48c White wagtail plus 5x48c Peregrine falcon SNP SPrint; Kiss die-cut 11:11 1/4; ()
Wagtail - GlasÚg shr-ide
30.09.2003 48c White wagtail Kiss 11:11 1/4 sttochastic
30.09.2003 48c Peregrine falcon Kiss 11:11 1/4 stochastic
Phosphor frame with small indent
type 1 - rounded off corners ; 15 °
Phosphor frame with large indent
type 1 - rounded off corners ; 15 °
corecte naam - correct name : Wagtail - Glasóg shráide
Phosphor frame complete
12..05.2004 48c White wagtail Kiss 11:11 1/4 sttochastic
12.05.2004 48c Peregrine falcon Kiss 11:11 1/4 stochastic
Phosphor frame with small indent
type 1 - rounded off corners ; 15 °
Phosphor frame with large indent
type 1 - rounded off corners ; 15 °
Zelfklevers - self-adhesive - Rol in doos van 100 - Coil in box of 100 Offset-litho JESSP
Chaffinch "complete" ; Goldcrest "complete"
Tarief vanaf 06.01.2004: GB van 50c naar 60c ; Overseas van 57c naar 65c.
Self-adhesive booklet 10x60c Atlantic puffin; SNP Sprint; 11 1/4:11 1/2
Self-adhesive booklet 10x 65c Song thrush; SNP Sprint; 11 1/4:11 1/2
Frame complete
05.01.2004 60c Atlantic puffin Kiss 11:11 1/4 R125
05.01.2004 65c Song thrush Kiss 11:11 1/4 R125
Frame with small indent (Song thrush); continuous frame (Puffin)
Kiss die cut: 11 1/4:11 1/2
4 types:
type 1 - rounded off corners
type 2 - half-rounded off corners
type 3 - half-sharp corners
type 4 - sharp corners
Phosphorescent frame in 4 types:
15 °\
75 °
60 °
40 °
xx.10.2005 60c Atlantic puffin Kiss 11:11 1/4 R125
xx.12.2004 65c Song thrush Kiss 11:11 1/4 R125
Booklet self-adhesive 5x48c White wagtail plus 5x48c Peregrine falcon SEP SPrint 11:11 1/4; ()
Wagtail - Glasóg shráide
Phosphor frame complete
xx.04.2004 48c White wagtail Kiss 11:11 1/4 R125
xx.04.2004 48c Peregrine falcon Kiss 11:11 1/4 R125
Phosphor frame with small indent
Kiss die cut: 11 1/4:11 1/2
4 types:
type 1 - rounded off corners
type 2 - half-rounded off corners
type 3 - half-sharp corners
type 4 - sharp corners
Phosphorescent frame in 4 types:
15 °\
75 °
60 °
40 °
xx.04.2004 48c White wagtail Kiss 11:11 1/4 R125
xx.04.2004 48c Peregrine falcon Kiss 11:11 1/4 R125
Wagtail - GlasÚg shr-ide
Phosphor frame with large indent
Kiss die cut: 11 1/4:11 1/2
4 types:
type 1 - rounded off corners
type 2 - half-rounded off corners
type 3 - half-sharp corners
type 4 - sharp corners
Phosphorescent frame in 4 types:
15 °\
75 °
60 °
40 °
xx.04.2004 48c White wagtail Kiss 11:11 1/4 R125
xx.04.2004 48c Peregrine falcon Kiss 11:11 1/4 R125

I've just started to use a UV-lamp for these definitives [Bird, Flowers] that I found the following main streams:

- OBA's in the coating [regardless of the the paper pulp as can be seen at the back]; under 365mm the front looks bluish with or without phosphor frame - and the frame does not look that yellow as it could have been because of the OBA!! - NO OBA's in the coating [regardless of the the paper pulp as can be seen at the back]; the phosphor frame is usually yellow [from pale to bright]! The front reflects the violet of the lamp!

all are on COATED paper!

The Euro definitive birds have NO OBA's in the coating but for the 1c and 2c that can have both the OBA variant and the non-OBA variant, both of them Tullis Russell paper.

So there is NO CCP1 [which is Harrison&Sons] just CCP3 with either OBA or no_OBA in the coating.

The self-adhesives printed by SNP [Australia] have 3 types of kiss die-cuts and 2 types of phosphor frames [the screen with a 45 degrees angles or 20 degrees]. Rein

Copyright © Printing Matters (Contact Rein Bakhuizen van den Brink)
Laatst gewijzigd op 21 februari 2020

StartEire 2002 Vogels - Birds - Euro - fosforescent - phosphorescentEire 2002 Vogels - Birds - Euro - boekjes natklevend - booklets adhesive -fosforescent - phosphorescentEire 2004 Wilde Bloemen - Wild Flowers