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Faeroe Islands
1975,  1976

The Faeroe Islands are an autonomous region of Denmark which were granted their independent postal authority since 30th January 1975.  When the first Faeroese stamps were issued in 1975, the Faeroese Post was an integrated part of the Danish Post Office, and it is thus Denmark that has issued the first 14 Faeroese stamps.  Slania has engraved 11 of these first 14 stamps.  Slania's engravings were printed in the Danish Post Office's Printing House, and the last three stamps, not engraved by Slania, were printed in the Finnish Banknote Printing House.  

A few months later, on 1st April 1976, the Faeroese Post Office was established, and the event was celebrated with the issuance of a set of three stamps, of which Slania engraved the two.  The third stamp from the set shows the Faeroese national flag "Merkid".  The two stamps are shown at the bottom of this page.

1975-1976    1978-1981     1983-1985     1986-1987    1988-1989,1995, 1997     2001 & 2003

Scott # 7

Scott # 9

Scott # 13

Scott # 8

Scott # 10

Scott # 12

Scott # 14

Scott # 11

Scott # 15

Scott # 16


Scott # 17

On 1st April 1976 the Faeroese Post Office was established as an independent body, and the first Faeroe stamps issued by the islands themselves were Scott # 20, 21 and 22, of which Czeslaw Slania has engraved numbers 20 and 20, shown below.  These stamps are inscribed "Postverk Føroya 1 April 1976" (Faeroese Post Office). 

Scott # 23

Scott # 21

1975-1976    1978-1981     1983-1985     1986-1987     1988-1989, 1995, 1997     2001 & 2003

A special thank you to Mr. Knud Wacher (Tórshavn) from the Faeroese Post Office, for proof reading the Faeroese section of this site.  

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Revised 16-jun-2007. Ann Mette Heindorff 
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