Czeslaw Slania
22nd October 1921 - 17th March 2005

The ultimate online resource
for the engraved stamps and banknotes
of the world famous engraver

Order Checklist here Latest Update   08-dec-2007

An online discussion group and message board for collectors of Czeslaw Slania's engravings has been created on Yahoo where you can buy, sell or trade away your Slania items, or simply discuss your collection or share your knowledge with other collectors. Click here and follow the simple instructions to join the group 

Stamps Stamps Checklist Private Works
Aland Order Checklist Movie Stars
Australia Un-adopted Stamp Designs World Champion Boxers
Australia-Sweden Joint Issue San Marino Politicians & World Leaders
Belgium Banknotes Dwory Plant
China Argentina Ex Libris
Denmark (1969-1970 + 1973) Belgium Other Engravings
Denmark: Test Stamps  Brazil Totalizator
Estonia Canada Swedish Minks
Faeroe Islands Dominican Republic Family/Friends
France Israel Horse Engraving
Germany Kazakhstan Rowland Hill Award  
Gibraltar Lithuania Signatures
Great Britain Portugal Chinese
Greenland Venezuela Polonica
Hong Kong "Counterfeits" Christianity
Iceland Un-adopted Banknote Designs   Millennium
Ireland India General W. Anders
Jamaica Iran Battle of Warsaw
Latvia Poland Czeslaw Slania
Lithuania Sierra Leone About Slania
Marshall Islands Uruguay Obituary
Monaco Postal Orders Lifetime Award
New Zealand Great Britain Slania "Joking Stamps" (Microprints)
Poland   Revenues About This Site
San Marino Duty Stamps The Author
Singapore Cancels Bibliography
Spain Postmarks Awards Won
Sweden Designs / Layouts What's New?  
Switzerland Faeroe Islands Links
Thailand United States Useful Links
Tunisia Re-use Early Engravings Piotr Naszarkowski
United Nations Monaco (to come later) 24th Boxer Label
United States Sweden   Joint-Issue Sweden-USA (Garbo)
Vatican Personalized Stamps

           Stephan Pomp's Web Resource     
on these highlights of collecting Slania:

Slania Collectibles for Sale
Slania on eBay
Slania Online Exhibit

If you have questions or suggestions for improving this site, or if you know of any missing issues that should be shown (even with all care taken I might have overseen some) please feel free to email me, and I will get in touch with you soonest possible. Acknowledgement for any contribution (scanned images or information) will be given on the individual pages to which visitors have contributed. I hope this catalogue will prove useful to the many Slania-collectors throughout the world, and I welcome constructive feedback with pleasure. 

No part of this catalogue may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including photocopying, for commercial purposes without the written permission of its author. 

Legal disclaimer
This site as a whole contains links to other Internet websites. 
I take no responsibility or undertake no liability for information or services mentioned in such sites. 

Revised 08-dec-2007 . Ann Mette Heindorff 
Copyright © 2001-2007. All Rights Reserved

Homepage Heindorffhus