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1810-1910 Herdenking 100 jaar Revolutie - Revolution Centennial - Aniversario Revolución de Mayo
1858 Confederatie - Confederation - Confederacion Argentina
1862 Escuditos
1864 Rivadavias
1867 Nationale Leiders - Próceres Naciónales - National leaders - gedrukt - printed in the USA
1876 Nationale Leiders - Próceres Naciónales - National leaders - gedrukt - printed in the USA
1882 Brief - Letter - Sobrecito
1888 Nationale Leiders - Próceres Naciónales - National leaders
1889 Próceres Naciónales - National leaders
1892 Gelegenheidsuitgiften / Commemoratives
1892-1897 Rivadavia, Belgrano, San Martin
1892-1970 Gelegenheidsuitgiften - Commemoratives - Commemorativos
1899-1903 Vrijheid met schild - Liberty with shield - Libertad con Escudo
1901 Dienstzegels - Official stamps - Oficial
1902 Gelegenheidsuitgiften / Commemoratives
1908-1909 San Martin in ovaal - in oval
1911 Ploeger - Ploughman - Labrador
1916 100 jaar Onafhankelijkheid - 100 year Independence
1917 José de San Martin
1918 Gelegenheidsuitgiften / Commemoratives
1920 Gelegenheidsuitgiften / Commemoratives
1921 Gelegenheidsuitgiften / Commemoratives
1921 Panamerican Postal Congress in B.A.
1923 José de San Martin - met punt - with dot - con punto
1924 José de San Martin - zonder punt - without dot - sin punto
1926 100 jaar Argentijnse Post - 100 year of Argengtina Post
1926 Gelegenheidsuitgiften / Commemoratives
1928 Gelegenheidsuitgiften / Commemoratives
1928 Luchtpostzegels - Airmail definitives - Aereo
1929 Gelegenheidsuitgiften / Commemoratives
1930 Revolutie - Revolution - Revolución
1931 Gelegenheidsuitgiften / Commemoratives
1932 Gelegenheidsuitgiften / Commemoratives
1933 Gelegenheidsuitgiften / Commemoratives
1934 Gelegenheidsuitgiften / Commemoratives
1935 Gelegenheidsuitgiften / Commemoratives
1935 Proceres y Riquezas Family Tree
1935-57 1/2c Manuel Belgrano
1935-57 10c Bernardino Rivadavia in boekdruk - typography - en tipografia
1935-57 10c Bernardino Rivadavia in offset - in offset-litho - en offset
1935-57 12c Bartolomé Mitre - kastanjebruin - chestnut brown - castaño
1935-57 12c Bartolomé Mitre - vermiljoen - vermillion - bermelion
1935-57 15c Martin Güemes
1935-57 15c Torito
1935-57 1c Domingo Faustino Sarmiento
1935-57 2 1/2c Luis Braille
1935-57 20c Guillermo Brown
1935-57 20c Juan Martin Güemes
1935-57 20c Martin Güemes
1935-57 2c Justo José de Urquiza
1935-57 3c José de San Martin - grijs - grey - gris
1935-57 3c José de San Martin - groen - green - verde
1935-57 3c Mariano Moreno - grijs - grey - gris
1935-57 4c Guillermo Brown - grijs - grey - gris
1935-57 4c Guillermo Brown - groen - green - verde
1935-57 5 c Mariano Moreno in typography
1935-57 5 c Mariano Moreno in offset - offset-litho
1935-57 5c José Hernandez
1935-57 5c Mariano Moreno in boekdruk - typography - en tipografia
1935-57 6 c Juan Bautista Alberdi in offset - offset-litho
1935-57 8c Nicolás Avellaneda in offset - offset-litho
1935-57 Próceres y Riquezas - Staatslieden - Leaders of the Nation
1935-59 Proceres y Riquezas / Statesmen and Richess - Wiggins Teape parallel and symmetric, 30/20
1936 Gelegenheidsuitgiften / Commemoratives
1936-57 10p Wijn maken - Wine making - Viticultura
1936-57 1p Kaart met Antarctica - Map with Antarctic - Mapa con Antartida
1936-57 1p Kaart met grenzen - Map with borders - Mapa con limites
1936-57 1p Kaart zonder grenzen - Map without borders - Mapa sin limites
1936-57 20c Ganaderia
1936-57 20p Katoen - Cotton - Algodon
1936-57 25c Labrador
1936-57 2p Fruit - Frutas
1936-57 30c Lanas
1936-57 40c Caña de Azucar
1936-57 50c Petroleo
1936-57 5p Cataratas de Iguazu
1936-57 Próceres y Riquezas - Rijkdommen - Nationale Resources
1938 Gelegenheidsuitgifte - Commemorative - Conmemorativo - A
1939 Gelegenheidsuitgifte - Commemorative - Conmemorativo - A
1939 Gelegenheidsuitgifte / Commemorative - B
1939 Gelegenheidsuitgifte / Commemorative - C
1939 Gelegenheidsuitgifte / Commemorative - D
1940 Gelegenheidsuitgiften / Commemoratives / Conmemorativos
1940-57 Luchtpost - Airmail - Correos Aereos
1941 Gelegenheidsuitgiften / Commemoratives / Conmemorativos
1942 35c Postkantoor - Post Office - Correos
1945 Generaal / General Jose de San Martin
1952 Eva Perón
1954 Generaal / General Jose de San Martin
1955 Grotere portretten - Larger portraits José de San Martin
1955 Landschappen / Landscapes
1956 Próceres y Riquezas II - portretten - portraits
1958 Industrie - Industry - Industria
1958 Landschappen / Landscapes
1958 Staatslieden - Statesmen - Próceres
1959 Dieren / Animals
1961 Generaal / General Jose de San Martin
1970 Próceres M. Belgrano, J. de San Martin, G. Brown - klein formaat - small sized
1971 Próceres y Riquezas IV
1976 Cijfers - Ciphers - Cifras - Cintas
1977 Historische Gebouwen - Historical buldings
1978-79 Postale diensten / Postal Services / Difusos postales
1979 Rosette - rosette - escarapela
1982 Bloemen (deel 1) - Flowers (part 1) - Flores (parte 1)
1983 Bloemen (deel 2) - Flower (part 2) - Flores (parte 2)
1985 Bloemen (deel 3) - Flower (part 3) - Flores (parte 3)
1992 Paddestoelen - Fungi - Hongos
1995 Vogels - Birds - Aves

2000 Inheemse kunst - Native Art - Arte indigena

A or English
Argentina Stamp Papers 1892 - 1911
Argentina Stamp Papers 1892 - 1983
Argentina Stamp Papers 1892 - 1983
Argentina Stamp Papers 1911 - 1918
Argentina Stamp Papers 1918 - 1921
Argentina Stamp Papers 1921 - 1923
Argentina Stamp Papers 1922 - 1924
Argentina Stamp Papers 1925
Argentina Stamp Papers 1925 - 1940
Argentina Stamp Papers 1927 - 1930 Ahorro Postal
Argentina Stamp Papers 1928 - 1939
Argentina Stamp Papers 1930 - 1942
Argentina Stamp Papers 1941 - 1945

B or Austriaco
Bijzondere emissies - Commemoratives - conmemorativos

C or Mate Lustroso
Coated Papers - papel tizado - J
Coated Papers - Papeles tizados
Coated, calandered or matt

D or Holandés"

E or Tela

F or Rayado Vertical
Factual description of each type of paper

G or Rayado Horizontal

H or Rayos Rectos Difusos

K - Coated Rayado vertical
KISS-es of paper

L - Coated Tela

M - Coated Rayado Horizontal Delgado

National papers - Zárate
No watermark papers


rest kiss

Stamp design types
Stamp design types - 1c D.F. Sarmiento
Stamp design types - 5c M. Moreno

The Manual of G.A. Pettigiani


Weaving techniques
Wire mesh [Trama]

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Copyright © Printing Matters (Mail to the webmaster Rein Bakhuizen van den Brink)
Last updated on July 28, 2018
